
Tag: Schapelle Corby (page 4)

Schapelle Corby Assigned Impossible Task

Update: In Schapelle Corby news Sunday:


Crooks and Liars has this incredible video of Schapelle and her family's reaction to the verdict and sentence.

Here is an analysis of the verdict by a defense lawyer in Australia that I think is pretty much on the money. [Available on Lexis.com, I haven't seen an online link yet.]

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Prosecutors to Appeal Schapelle Corby Sentence: They Want Life

I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. It's mind-boggling. Prosecutors in the Schapelle Corby case have announced they will appeal her 20 year sentence for bringing 9 pounds of pot into Bali on the grounds that it is not severe enough. They contend she should have received a life sentence.

Prosecutor Ida Bagus Wiswantanu said he believed the judge had erred and should have given Corby a life sentence.

"For us justice is life for anyone who imports that much marijuana,'' he told reporters.

An Australian expert on Indonesia's legal system agreed the sentence was unusually light by Indonesian standards.

[link via 12th Harmonic, whose author also blogs at the offical Schapelle Corby blog, Innocent Without a Doubt. Thanks also to 12th Harmonic for praising and quoting TalkLeft's live verdict blogging post. ]

More here.

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Life in an Indonesian Prison

Schapelle's address:
Schapelle Corby
LPM Kerobokan
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu
Kerobokan, Denpasar 80117

Schapelle will serve her 20 year sentence at Kerobokan prion in Bali, where she has been held for the past seven months. Here's what she faces.

Abanana, some pawpaw, five slices of white bread and a half-bowl of vegetables is the daily ration for Schapelle Corby and each of the other 20 or so Westerners serving time in Bali's Kerobokan jail.

...The jail .... provides almost nothing to its more than 600 inmates - no drinking water, coffee or tea, bedding, toiletries, clothes, medicine, amenities or work.

...The women are locked in from about 5pm until 9am and Corby's cell is so small that the bodies of the seven women she shares with touch as they rest. With no beds, they sleep on mats, and with no fan, they sweat. Each woman gets a bucket of water a day to wash herself with.

That being said, apparently this prison has some benefits. Everything and everyone is for sale, beginning with the guards. So if Schapelle gets donations, she can live like this:

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Schapelle Corby - Guilty As Charged

Time to Boycott Bali. Indonesia rules out a prisoner transfer to Australia. What neanderthals they are over there. Schapelle got 20 years. Here's the translator's edited transcript of the verdict and sentencing. Here's the Austrlian news blog's description of the reaction in the courtroom. Is this sentence really better than life? I'd say it is a life sentence...Schapelle's life as she knew it is over. And who lives 20 years behind the walls of a foreign prison? We live-blogged the two hour verdict reading (along with Blaghdaddy in the comments) as best we could given the awful audio feed from the courtroom to the Australian media which kept going in and out - and the sporadic translation.

  • 11:38 a.m. The Judge has been reading (screaming) for two hours. He's not done, but it's all over for Schapelle. Shorter version: She must be convicted because drugs are a menace to Indonesia and police are more credible than civilians.
  • 11:31 a.m. Judge says evidence is pointing to her guilt. Mentions lack of fingerprint testing and excuses it. They've considered Schapelle's defense that she was a victim of drug traffickers....but because importation of drugs hurts Indonesian people....

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Judgment Day for Schapelle Corby

Update: Guilty. We live blogged the verdict listening to an Australian tv network's webcast and live feed of the two hour reading here.

Update: We'll be bumping this post until the verdict is read Friday morning in Bali. Latest news article. Live reporter's blog will be here. Watch this video chronicling case from arrest to now. This is the prison where she is being held.

If she's convicted, an immediate appeal will be filed. Schapelle has a letter prepared for the Indonesian President asking for a pardon.

Schapelle Corby finds out today whether she will be acquitted or sentenced to death or life in prison, when three judges render a decision in a case in which she is charged with smuggling less than 10 pounds of marijuana into Indonesia while en route to Bali for a vacation.

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Group Seeks Death Penalty for Schapelle Corby

Update: Guilty. We live blogged the verdict listening to an Australian tv network's webcast and live feed of the two hour reading here.

Bump and Update: Drug Activists in Indonesia are calling for the death penalty for Schapelle Corby...for allegedly importing 9 pounds of pot into Bali. They say the Government should make an example of her. As we explain in the original post below, Schappelle maintains her innocence and is awaiting the judges' verdict. We will be bumping this post frequently as new information becomes available to call attention to her plight.

Original Post: 5/12/05

Actor Russell Crowe has taken up the cause of an Australian beautician imprisoned on drug charges in Bali, Indonesia.

Crowe said: "The photographs of Schappelle Corby broke my heart. "I don't understand how we can, as a country, stand by and let a young lady rot away in a foreign prison. That is ridiculous. "It is Indonesia, fine and dandy, but we need to find a rational platform to save this girl's life."

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Woman, 27, May Face Firing Squad For Pot

In Indonesia, a 27-year-old Australian woman is facing death by firing squad for allegedly bringing marijuana into the country.

On October 8, 2004, airport authorities found 4.2 kilograms of
marijuana in Schapelle Leigh Corby's luggage. Corby says the marijuana was not hers, and her supporters suspect it was planted there. Local police acknowledge it is highly unusual for marijuana to be smuggled into Bali rather than out of it (as marijuana prices are much lower in Bali than in Australia).

If found guilty, Corby will be shot to death by a firing squad of 12 men. Saudi Arabia is even worse - it conducts public beheadings of drug offenders by sword:

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